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Posts tagged with: Public Adjuster CT

One of the most misunderstood insurance coverage acronyms are ACV and RCV as well as indemnity and Depreciation. Policy holders do not understand or pay attention to Actual Cash Value (ACV), Replacement Cost Value (RCV), indemnity and Depreciation so we are going to break it down for you so you “learn it, know it and......
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If you suspect your roof was damaged due to wind, hail, fallen debris or trees, it is important that you call Biller Associates Public Adjusters to help maximize your insurance claim. In nearly every situation, when an insurance adjuster is called, their inspection is limited in their effort to find damages (if they show up......
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Biller Associates Public Adjusters is a the leading public insurance adjuster in the state of Connecticut. The Company was incorporated in 1949 and is headquartered in North Haven, CT Biller Associates exclusively represents you, NOT the insurance company and can be found at https://www.billerassociates.com. Biller Associates Public Adjusters exists to help homeowners and business owners......
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At Biller Associates, We capture a 360°, 3D view of your claim to ensure accuracy of documentation down to the very last detail. Why? So we can maximize your claim! We implement the latest tools to capture 3D images of all damages to maximize your claim. Documentation is key, however accurate documents speed up the......
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Forbes Contributor and Editors – Christopher Elliott,  Jason Metz Forbes.com//advisor/homeowners-insurance/public-adjusters/ Public insurance adjusters are worth their weight in gold. At least that’s the assessment of Carole Lieberman, whose Los Angeles home was damaged by ash and soot after the Malibu Woolsey Fire tore through Southern California in 2018. She filed a claim on her homeowners insurance.......
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A puff back happens when your oil burner ignites incorrectly, fumes build up and an explosion occurs inside the burn chamber. This build up vaporizes and shoots an oily toxic soot that looks like cobwebs all over your walls, baseboards, furniture, etc. Puff backs cause extensive damage to your home and heating system. Call 911......
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After several days of waiting for his insurance company to respond, this Homeowner followed some good advice and called on Biller Associates for assistance. Our Team hit the ground running and we will evaluate his coverage, document the damage, prepare all repair estimates, compile a list and research the values of his destroyed contents, get......
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We hear it time and time again when we are either at social gatherings or actually out in the field assisting clients, “what do you do?” When we begin to explain, there is always the following comment. Thats exciting, why haven’t I ever heard of that? Then comes the next follow up, “I wish I......
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When it All Began It all started nearly 70 years ago on Mansfield Street in New Haven. Construction of a 20-unit apartment building had just ended when fire destroyed a kitchen in one of the apartments.The owner and builder, Meyer Biller, called his insurance company and quickly became frustrated because they were trying to get......
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