+1 203.234.9865
154 State Street, North Haven, CT

Water Damage Draft

Types of Claims

Fire Damage

Fires cause a tremendous amount of damage to properties regardless of the most sophisticated fire protection systems that may be in place. In addition to the directly damaged components of a property, corrosive soot, smoke odor, and water used to extinguish the fire can cause even more damage than the fire itself. Fires create extreme levels of heat and pressure which push smoke and soot throughout the property. It’s very common for soot and smoke odor to be present inside wall & ceiling cavities, mechanical chases, and dead air spots throughout a building. Soot is carcinogenic and corrosive and can pose serious health problems and additional damage to the mechanical systems of a property. It is vital to capture the full extent of damage caused by smoke odor and soot or your property could have permanent, ongoing smoke odor issues.

Calling a Public Adjuster is Your first call after 911.


Water Damage

Water can easily infiltrate wall and ceiling cavities, mechanical chases, flooring systems, etc. If water damage isn’t handled quickly and correctly, it can cause greater damage in the long run like mold, bacteria, fungus, and dry rot. Additionally, some types of water can contain dangerous pathogens, which pose serious health risks to you and others. It is very common for any building materials (plaster, drywall, insulation, cabinets, trim, flooring, and mechanical) that come in contact with contaminated water to be permanently removed for safety purposes. To help you avoid wasting time and money, we can properly investigate and analyze the damage, and then help you get to the point of having a dry, sanitary property!